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CategoryNavi : メイン -> コンピューター -> フリー・シェアソフト -> iSdBackup

How to use iSdBackup(Pro).

Thank you for being interested.
This application copies the file of the built-in storage to microSD.

/// screenshot ///

① It starts backup.
  A re-store check button starts a re-store at the time of ON.

② It changes it to a re-store mode.

③ It opens up a setting window.
  You can change setting of the setting of the file not to copy and the automatic backup.

④ It displays progress.

⑤ It displays the pass of the built-in storage of the origin of backup.

⑥ It displays a pass of microSD of the backup.
  It is a phone of non-correspondence when it is displayed here with "Not found".

<Category : iSdBackup>




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